Makeup Lesson | $200

2 hour tutorial incorporating your makeup with some updates to make you glow


Makeup Application | $150

Special Events: Birthdays, Date Night, Prom, you name it, Macelle’s got you covered


Makeup Wedding Trial  | $250

Consultation with makeup application to match your desired wedding style


Makeup Wedding Day,

Bride or Groom | $250

Get photo-ready on your special day, music and dancing is encouraged


Makeup Bridal Party  | $300

Want others in your bridal party to get their makeup done too? No problem! Also, feel free to include Mother of the Bride and Mother of the Groom! Macelle requires just a minimum of 2 people.

Children Glam | $75

Want to elevate the experience for the kids to get their makeup done? They are just as important and this is for kids under 13 years of age.